☛ At Kalpvriksha Dental, we use the latest generation composite bonding materials to restore minor cavities and chipped teeth. Many of our patients also prefer to have old silver amalgam fillings replaced in their mouth with the tooth coloured composite fillings, and Kalpvriksha Dental is happy to provide this service. Recent advances have introduced Nano-composites which have nano-meter sized particles for the best esthetic and functional result.
☛ While examining your mouth in the mirror, you may have come across a few brownish-black holes in your teeth. These are cavities, and are also known as dental caries. These cavities grow deeper and bigger if not treated at their initial stages. If you have suspect you have a cavity, it is very important for you to visit your dentist for a consultation and to evaluate if they need to be treated.
☛ At their initial stages, cavities do not have very evident symptoms. In fact, most patients do not have symptoms at all. The symptoms entirely depend on the location and extent of the cavities. Hence, it is very important to come in for your regular dental visit once every 6 months, so that the Kalpvriksha Dental team can treat the cavities at their initial stages. As the decay increases in size, the following symptoms are seen: - Toothache - Sensitivity - Mild to sharp pain on eating something sweet, hot or cold - Pain on biting - Visibly large brownish - black holes
☛ Enamel can remineralize itself to a small extent by using the minerals from the saliva and fluoride from tooth pastes. As the cavity becomes bigger, the enamel is weakened and destroyed because more minerals are lost. This leads to the formation of a cavity. A cavity cannot repair itself on its own. It has to be treated by a trained professional.
☛ The team at Kalpvriksha Dental will remove the decayed part of the tooth. During the procedure, you will hear a vibrating sound while the dentist cleans the infected part of the tooth. The procedure is done under local anesthesia and is completely painless. Once that is complete, a filling material will be placed in the tooth and will be strengthened with a blue-coloured light. The filling will be done layer by layer and you will be requested to keep your mouth open for a few minutes. Once filled, the tooth will be polished until the surface is completely smooth and feels natural. There are no dietary restrictions after a filling.
☛ At Kalpvriksha Dental, we use the latest generation composite bonding materials (tooth coloured) to restore minor cavities and chipped teeth. Many of our patients also prefer to have old silver amalgam fillings replaced in their mouth with the tooth coloured composite fillings, and we are happy to provide this service. Recent advances have introduced Nano-composites which have micro and nano meter sized particles for the best esthetic and functional result.
☛ This is a simple and painless procedure. In case the filling is deep, you will be anesthetized. The Team dentists at Kalpvriksha Dental will begin by applying a gel to the gums to anesthetize the tissue, prior to delivering local anesthesia to numb the tooth.
☛ With proper care and maintenance, fillings can last for many years. Recent studies have indicated that an average life of a dental filling is 7-10 years. However, many patients have successful fillings for much longer than that.
☛ Following cavity prevention tips must be followed to keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong: